Implementing GraphQL Interfaces and Unions for Flexible Data Modeling

In today's world of rapidly evolving web technologies, managing and manipulating data efficiently is crucial. GraphQL, a query language for APIs, allows developers to fetch only the data they need and nothing more. One of the powerful features of GraphQL is its ability to create flexible data models using interfaces and unions. This blog post aims to provide a beginner-friendly, in-depth guide to implementing GraphQL interfaces and unions for flexible data modeling, complete with code examples and explanations.

Understanding Interfaces and Unions

Before diving into the implementation, it's essential to understand the concepts of interfaces and unions in GraphQL and how they can help us create flexible data models.


In GraphQL, an interface is an abstract type that defines a set of fields that a type must include. In other words, it's a way to specify that certain fields must be present in any object type that implements the interface. This allows for consistent data modeling across different object types and promotes code reusability.


A union, on the other hand, is a way to represent multiple types under a single field. It allows a field to return one of several object types, without the need for those object types to share a common interface. Unions can be helpful when you need to return different types of data from a single field, but you don't have control over the structure of those types.

Implementing Interfaces

Now that we understand what interfaces are, let's see how to implement them in a GraphQL schema.

Defining an Interface

To define an interface, you'll need to use the interface keyword, followed by the name of the interface and its fields. Here's an example of an interface definition:

interface Character { id: ID! name: String! age: Int }

In this example, we've defined a Character interface with three fields: id, name, and age. The ! after a field type indicates that the field is non-nullable.

Implementing an Interface

To implement an interface, you need to use the implements keyword in the object type definition. The object type must include all the fields defined in the interface. Here's an example:

type Human implements Character { id: ID! name: String! age: Int planet: String }

In this example, we've defined a Human object type that implements the Character interface. The Human type includes all the fields from the Character interface and adds an additional field, planet.

Querying Interface Fields

When querying fields of an interface, you can use inline fragments to specify fields specific to the implementing types. Here's an example of a query that fetches characters and their fields:

query { characters { ... on Character { id name age } ... on Human { planet } } }

Implementing Unions

Now that we've covered interfaces, let's move on to implementing unions in a GraphQL schema.

Defining a Union

To define a union, you need to use the union keyword, followed by the name of the union and an equal sign. Then, you'll need to specify the object types that the union can represent, separated by a pipe (|). Here's an example of a union definition:

union SearchResult = Human | Droid

In this example, we've defined a SearchResult union that can represent either a Human or a Droid object type.

Querying Union Fields

When querying a field that returns a union type, you'll need to use inline fragments to specifythe fields for each object type included in the union. Here's an example of a query that fetches search results and their fields:

query { search(text: "Skywalker") { ... on Human { id name age planet } ... on Droid { id name primaryFunction } } }

In this example, we've used inline fragments to request fields specific to the Human and Droid object types, which are both part of the SearchResult union.

Combining Interfaces and Unions

In some cases, you might want to combine the power of interfaces and unions to create even more flexible data models. You can do this by implementing interfaces within the object types that are part of a union.

Let's consider an example where we have a Character interface, a SearchResult union, and two object types (Human and Droid) that implement the Character interface:

interface Character { id: ID! name: String! age: Int } type Human implements Character { id: ID! name: String! age: Int planet: String } type Droid implements Character { id: ID! name: String! age: Int primaryFunction: String } union SearchResult = Human | Droid

Now, when querying a field that returns a SearchResult union, you can use inline fragments to request fields for both the Character interface and the specific object types:

query { search(text: "Skywalker") { ... on Character { id name age } ... on Human { planet } ... on Droid { primaryFunction } } }


Q: What is the main difference between interfaces and unions in GraphQL?

A: Interfaces in GraphQL are abstract types that define a set of fields that implementing object types must include. Unions, on the other hand, are a way to represent multiple object types under a single field, without requiring those object types to share a common interface.

Q: Can I use both interfaces and unions in the same schema?

A: Yes, you can use both interfaces and unions in the same schema, and even combine them by implementing interfaces within the object types that are part of a union.

Q: How do I decide whether to use an interface or a union?

A: If you need to enforce a specific set of fields across multiple object types, use an interface. If you need to represent multiple object types under a single field without a shared structure, use a union.

Q: How do I query fields of interfaces and unions?

A: When querying fields of interfaces or unions, you need to use inline fragments to specify fields for each implementing object type or object type included in the union.

Q: Can a union include object types that implement different interfaces?

A: Yes, a union can include object types that implement different interfaces, or even a mix of object types with and without interfaces.

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